Terms and Conditions – Mountain Top Cabin Rentals Agreement



Please call 706-258-6220 or e-mail [email protected] for any questions concerning the reservation. All reservations are considered confirmed at the time of booking. Please note that the terms of this Rental Agreement are non-negotiable. This Rental agreement MUST be returned to the rental office within 3 days of booking.
Please review, sign and return this Rental Agreement via E-Signature option. IF YOU HAVE EXTRA SPACES, PLEASE PUT NONE IN THE NAME AND 0 IN THE AGE.

RENTAL. The rental rate for the Rental Property is based on the maximum occupancy for the cabin. Guest acknowledges that the number of persons at the property during any given time will NOT exceed the maximum occupancy for the Rental Property. In the event that the maximum occupancy for the Rental Property is exceeded, Guest will be assessed an additional minimum charge of $250.00 per person and will be required to vacate the Rental Property with NO REFUND GIVEN. THE MAXIMUM NUMBER OF GUESTS DOES INCLUDE CHILDREN OF ANY AGE.

DAMAGE PROTECTION WAIVER (DPW). Each reservation has the option of a non-refundable fee of $45.00 for a Damage Protection Waiver. This waiver is designed to protect the guest (s) and Owner(s) from charges due to accidental damage only. The DPW can provide up to $750.00 to repair accidental damages (beyond normal wear and tear). If any damages surpass $750.00 additional charges will be applied to the credit card on file and written documentation will be sent to the guest (s) of record. If damages are determined to be caused by the willful misconduct, misuse and/or pets, the Damage Protection Waiver will be voided on the grounds of intentional acts(s), gross negligence, willful and unwarranted conduct by guest (s) and/or Licensee of Guest(s) and/or visitor(s). These occurrences will result in the Guest(s) credit card on file being charged in full for any damages and management fees. This waiver does not cover any additional management fees and/or fines. ALL ACCIDENTAL DAMAGE MUST BE REPORTED TO MOUNTAIN TOP CABIN RENTALS, LLC RENTALS OFFICE BEFORE GUEST(S) DEPARTURE TO QUALIFY FOR PROTECTION. The DPW does NOT cover additional cleaning, excessive garbage, or failure to comply with the check-out instructions as set forth herein for a more complete description.

SELF INSURE/SECURITY DEPOSIT. Should Guest(s) decline the DPW then they shall be required to put down their own $750.00 security deposit. This will be charged to the Guest’s credit card at the time that the reservation is made. Security deposit of $750.00 would be refunded the Friday after departure minus a $40.00 processing fee.

VACATION RENTAL INSURANCE/TRAVEL INSURANCE – Guest Protect Plan. CSA/Generali Vacation Rental Insurance has been offered with your reservation. Vacation Rental Insurance reimburses for pre-paid, non-refundable expenses due to certain unforeseeable circumstances that may jeopardize your vacation and force you to incur unplanned expenses. We strongly recommend you purchase this valuable protection. View a Description of Coverage/Policy at www.vacationrentalinsurance.com/330cert.

CHECK-IN/CHECK-OUT TIMES. Guest may check-in any time after 3:00 p.m. on Guest’s arrival date, and the Guest shall check-out no later than 11:00 a.m. on the Guest’s departure date. Check out time is strictly enforced so that adequate time is given to prepare the rental property for the next scheduled Guest(s). ALL Saturday and Sunday check-in’s will be considered after hours check in and will need to make arrangements for afterhours check in. If Guest is unable to check-in during normal business hours Monday – Friday, then Guest shall notify the management office prior to arrival to make arrangements for after-hour check-in. MOUNTAIN TOP CABIN RENTALS, LLC reserves the right to change the check-in time and the check-out time, in which case(s) Guest shall be given twenty-four (24) hour notice of said change. Office hours are Monday through Friday and 1⁄2 day on Saturday. The office is closed on Sundays. 5 PM Check In time may be imposed due to a high volume of scheduled cleaning. Please inquire with agents to confirm.

SMOKING/NON-SMOKING. All properties are non-smoking. Smoking outside is allowed unless otherwise stated. Please be neat in disposing of cigarette butts. Do not discard them around the property, driveway or yard. In the event smoking occurs in the cabin, you shall be assessed a minimum charge of $500.00.

RESCHEDULING THE RESERVATION. Guest may reschedule the Reservation at any time up to seventy-two (72) hours prior to Guest’s arrival (based on a check –in time of 3:00 pm), and Guest shall be charged a rescheduling fee of ten dollars ($10.00). HOWEVER, NO CHANGES may be made to the reservation within 72 hours of check-in, including the number of individuals in Guest’s party. In the event Guest reschedules the reservation, Guest shall have up to twelve (12) months from the original arrival date to reschedule their stay. Guest hereby acknowledges that the rescheduled reservation shall be considered a credit and is subject to the nightly minimum rate at the time Guest would like to reschedule. Said credit shall be held by Mountain Top Cabin Rentals, LLC and forfeited by Guest if not used within said one (1) year.

CANCELLATIONS. If the reservation is cancelled by Guest at any time prior to fourteen (14) days of arrival date, then said Guest shall be charged a $50.00 cancellation fee. If the reservation is cancelled by guest between thirteen (13) days and seventy-two (72) hours of arrival date (based on a check-in time of 3:00 pm), Guest shall be charged an amount equal to one (1) night’s rental. If the reservation is cancelled with seventy- two (72) hours of Guest’s arrival or Guest is a “no show”, guest shall be charged the entire rental amount to be charged to Guest as set forth herein, Guest shall be assessed the balance. If guest request a cancellation with the option to reschedule then guest shall have 1 year from the original reservation arrival date to reschedule. Guest understands that MOUNTAIN TOP CABIN RENTALS, LLC shall hold monies paid as a credit only and refunds are not possible. Guest can only cancel to reschedule one time per reservation with no refund.

REFUNDS. Guest hereby agrees and acknowledges that Guest shall NOT be entitled to a refund in the event guest departs before the end of the reservation or in the event guest arrives late or does not arrive for the reservation. Guest further hereby agrees and acknowledges that there will be no refund nor relocation in the event guest is disappointed with the rental property. Furthermore, there shall be no refund or compensation for the occurrence of any and all events out of the control of Mountain Top Cabin Rentals, LLC, including but not limited to, weather conditions, power outages, water outages, mechanical failure of appliances and electronics, central heat and air, hot tubs, and/or gas logs. Furthermore, guest shall not be entitled to a refund in the event guest is required to vacate the rental property due to a violation of local, state, or federal law or the policies of Mountain Top Cabin Rentals.

DAMAGES. Guest shall be solely responsible for any property damage, accident or injury to any person or loss sustained by any person, including loss of money, jewelry, and other items of personal property, arising out of or in any way related to Guest’s use of the rental property. Guest shall inspect and be familiar with proper use and application of such items prior to using them. Guest hereby agrees to indemnify and hold MOUNTAIN TOP CABIN RENTALS, LLC and/or the owner of the rental property harmless from any and all claims including those of third parties, arising out of or in any way related to Guest’s use of the rental property or the items of personal property provided therein.

INCLEMENT WEATHER. The weather can be very unpredictable in the North Georgia Mountains. Therefore Mountain Top Cabin Rentals offers Travel Insurance, see section 4. It is the Guest(s) responsibility to monitor the weather and road conditions prior to the arrival and during the Guest(s) stay. Guests may contact the office of Mountain Top Cabin Rentals to inquire about conditions. Guest(s) hereby understands that the manager cannot predict weather nor road conditions or any acts of God. Road conditions can change rapidly and can become impassable at any time and stay impassable for any length of time. If weather conditions do not allow Guest(s) to depart on the regularly scheduled departure day and the Guest(s) must “stay over” the regular nightly rate will be charged. It is the Guest(s) responsibility to pay for any additional services needed or requested by Guest(s). Guest(s) arriving during this time and checking in (checking in means acceptance of keys and taking occupancy of the property), understands that they are proceeding at their own risk and should make appropriate arrangements. In case of impassable roads, Mountain Top Cabin Rentals will try to accommodate Guest(s) with another cabin of similar type if available. If inclement weather is forecasted while you are staying with us, please make sure you get all supplies needed in case of power outage (flashlights, matches, extra non-perishable food, bottled water, etc.). Mountain Top Cabin Rentals and the individual homeowners will not be responsible for maintaining the conditions of roads, decks, and driveways in the event of snow, ice, rain, etc. Mountain Top Cabin Rentals will not perform “rescue missions” and cannot assist in towing/retrievals. The guest agrees to take full responsibility for their safety as well as the passengers in the vehicle. The guest also understands that the risk of traveling in inclement weather may result in loss of property, damage, loss of life, etc. Guest(s) understands they are proceeding at their own risk and should make appropriate arrangements and Management shall be released of any and all liabilities associated with Guest(s) arrival.

AGENCY DISCLOSURE. MOUNTAIN TOP CABIN RENTALS, LLC serves as the agent of the owner of the rental property. MOUNTAIN TOP CABIN RENTALS, LLC shall represent and act at all times in the best interests of the owner of the rental property. Furthermore, MOUNTAIN TOP CABIN RENTALS, LLC reserves the right for random inspections to ensure that all policies and procedures are followed. All information provided by MOUNTAIN TOP CABIN RENTALS, LLC regarding the rental property has been provided by the owner of the rental property and is believed to be accurate but cannot be guaranteed. Guest acknowledges that the owner of the rental property may remove the rental property from the rental program with MOUNTAIN TOP CABIN RENTALS, LLC. Guest further understands that availability of the rental property cannot be guaranteed, and MOUNTAIN TOP CABIN RENTALS, LLC may find it necessary to move Guest to a comparable rental property.

AVAILABILTY. If a property becomes unavailable prior to occupancy outside of Manager’s control or prior knowledge due to termination from rental program, major mechanical failure, loss of utility, Manager shall have the right to move the Guest to a different property that is comparable to the originally reserved property. If no comparable property is available Manger can offer to reschedule to another date or issue

A credit towards another rental property in the same amount that the Guest had already paid. If there are not any options from said Mountain Top Cabin Rentals, LLC, then a full refund to Guest shall be issued without penalty. Any refund due to this shall only be as much as the original amount paid by Guest. In the event this happens, no other claims can be made by Guest at any time, present or in the future. Manager shall have the sole right to move Guest to another property as long as it accommodates the number of Guest on the Guest Rental Agreement.

INDEMNIFICATION and HOLD HARMLESS. Guest(s) agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Owner(s) and Manager(s) for any liabilities, theft, damage, cost and/or expense whatsoever arising from or related to any claim or litigation which may arise out of or in connection with Guest(s) use and occupancy of the rental property. This is including, but not limited to, any claim or liability for personal injury and/or damage and/or theft of property which is made, incurred and/or sustained by Guest(s). The Terms “Owner(s)” and “Manager(s)”, as used in this Agreement, shall include their heirs, successors in interest, assigns, employees, managers and representatives where the context requires or permits. The terms “Guest(s),” “Licensee of Guest(s),” as used in this agreement, shall include Guest(s) heirs, successors, assigns, Guest(s), invitees, representatives and any other persons allowed under this agreement to be at the rental property, where the context requires or permits.

Under Georgia Law, there is no liability for injury or death of an individual entering any of our rental homes or offices. You are assuming this inherent risk and responsibility if such injury or death results from contracting COVID-19/ monkeypox Virus. Please see below for complete legal statement from the state (https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prevent-getting-sick/diy-cloth-face-coverings. Html)
REGISTRATION OF MEMBERS IN GUEST’S PARTY. Guest hereby acknowledges that all members in Guest’s party must be registered with MOUNTAIN TOP CABIN RENTALS, LLC, including any and all visitors, a list of which is attached hereto as Exhibit “C”. Guest may amend this list at any time up until seventy-two (72) hours prior to check-in (based on a check-in time of 3:00 pm).

USE OF RENTAL PROPERTY. Guest shall occupy and use the rental property in a manner that shall not disturb or offend neighbors of the rental property. Guest agrees to keep noise to a minimum inside and outside the property from 10 PM to 8AM. Sound can travel a long way in mountain and may disturb unseen neighbors. The use of firearms or fireworks is strictly prohibited, and any violators of this provision shall be asked to vacate the rental property immediately with NO refund. Weddings and other events are not permitted at rental properties. In the event law enforcement is dispatched to rental property then guest(s) hereby acknowledges that they shall be asked to vacate the rental property with NO discounts or refund due them.

AMENITIES and ACCOMMODATIONS. All properties are privately owned, furnished and equipped by the Owner. As such, Manager cannot make any changes to the furnishings and/or equipment provided by Owner. Each property is cared for by a team and/or individual housekeeper and is always inspected prior to guest arrival and immediately after departure. Under no circumstances shall any item supplied with the rental property, to be taken out, transferred from one rental property to another property, moved and/or rearranged. In certain areas of each rental property, there may be locked locations used by the Property Owners for personal storage and/or housekeeping supplies. These areas are not included in the rental. Please do not move furnishings or tamper with locked areas. Such behavior will result in a fine staring at $100.00 or more depending on circumstances.

CLEANLINESS. You are expected to treat the property with respect, keeping in mind that this is an individual’s home, not a hotel room. Even in cases where a cleaning fee is charged, you are expected to leave the property in a clean, neat, and orderly condition.

GARBAGE REMOVAL. All garbage must be bagged and removed from inside of the rental property. The rental property has an outdoor container(s) for Guest to use to dispose of garbage. If the garbage generated during Guest’s stay exceeds the amount that will fit in these containers, Guest shall be responsible for disposing of the excess garbage. Guest may use the dumpster located at MOUNTAIN TOP CABIN RENTALS, LLC rental office without any charge. Guest acknowledges that leaving garbage outside the designated container(s) may attract unwanted animals. In the event Guest leaves garbage outside of the designated containers, and any clean-up is necessary, Guest shall be assessed a minimum clean-up fee of $100.00. In the event the outdoor container(s) are filled upon Guest’s arrival, Guest shall contact MOUNTAIN TOP CABIN RENTALS, LLC immediately. Garbage service for our area is ONLY picked up once a week and said day will be posted in the rental cabin.

REPAIRS. Guest hereby agrees that MOUNTAIN TOP CABIN RENTALS, LLC or its agents may enter the rental property for the purpose of making necessary repairs and/or maintenance in and around the rental property. Furthermore, MOUNTAIN TOP CABIN RENTALS, LLC does not guarantee against mechanical failures that may occur in the heating, air conditioning, hot tub, television, satellite receivers, cable box, DVD/blue ray players, or any other appliances. In the event an appliance or system is inoperative, Guest shall contact MOUNTAIN TOP CABIN RENTALS, LLC and they shall make every effort to have the repairs made quickly and efficiently. Should a repairman make a service call and find that the equipment is in working order and the issue is due to Guest’s oversight or neglect, the charge for the service call shall be the responsibility of Guest.

In the event, Guest’s party includes a dog, Guest shall notify MOUANTAIN TOP CABIN RENTALS, LLC at the time the reservation is made to ensure that the rental property Guest is requesting is pet friendly. In addition, Guests shall pay a non-refundable pet fee of $35.00 per pet. In the event evidence of a dog is found at a rental property that is not pet-friendly or the dog is not included in the reservation, Guest shall be assessed a minimum charge of $500.00 along with Property manager reserving the right to immediately evict Guest. If so evicted, Gust shall forfeit all payments made for the balance of the term of the reservation. All dogs must be on a flea prevention program and are not allowed on furniture, on the blankets and/or any linens, in hot tubs or left unattended at the rental property unless they are crated at rental property any time left unattended. If fleas are found inside the rental property upon guest departure, Guest shall be responsible for any and all fees incurred for extermination services. If the rental property requires additional cleaning due to the dog, Guest shall be charged accordingly. If evidence of dog urine or feces is found in the rental property, a minimum of $100.00, together with the costs and expenses of additional cleaning services necessary to remove hair, odors and/or stains shall be assessed and paid by Guest. No other type of animal, including cats are allowed at rental property.

Only bona fide Service Animals as required by law shall be permitted. If your group includes a service animal, this must be disclosed before, during or immediately after booking the reservation so that special accommodations and arrangements can be made. Emotional Support Animals are not Service Animals and are only allowed in pet friendly properties and are subject to the non-refundable pet fee of $35.00 per pet.

LOST AND FOUND. MOUNTAIN TOP CABIN RENTALS, LLC shall not be responsible for any personal belongings that are lost, stolen, or left behind by guest or any member of Guest’s party. Any personal item(s) found in or around the rental property shall be held for thirty (30) days from the check-out date. After the thirty (30) days, any unclaimed items shall be discarded or donated unless the owner of the item contacts MOUNTAIN TOP CABIN RENTS, LLC and claims the item. The owner of the item will be charged a $10.00 retrieval fee, and the item will be returned to said individual at their own expense. Management will not be responsible for any lost items or damages to the items during shipping. Any firearms or ammunition left by Guest at rental property shall be subject to a charge of $50.00 for retrieval fee and said firearm will be returned at guest(s) expense and subject to any and all laws associated by Federal and State laws. Any prescription medication left by guest can NOT be returned and will be disposed of according to Federal and State Laws.

AGE REQUIREMENT. Guest is at least twenty-five (25) years of age and acknowledges that they may be asked to provide proof of age. Guest is responsible for all other Guests and visitors of the rental property during the reservation. If Guest is not twenty-five (25) years or older, MOUNTAIN TOP CABIN RENTALS, LLC reserves the right to terminate the reservation without a refund. No one under the age of twenty-five (25) will be able to pick up keys for rental property.
FALSIFIED BOOKINGS. If your booking was made under false pretense, including, but not limited to, a falsified name, age or size of party, you will be subject to immediate eviction and forfeiture of all amounts paid.


ATTORNEY’S FEES & COST. Should the employment of services of an attorney or attorneys to enforce any condition of this Rental Policy, you shall be liable to Mountain Top Cabin Rentals, LLC for reasonable attorney’s fees and costs incurred by Mountain Top Cabin Rentals, LLC.
28. ALLERGENS: We take great pride in our cleaning standards for our cabins. Unfortunately, due to the nature of allergens and medical conditions, we cannot guarantee an environment completely free of allergens and/or irritants. (i.e. pet hair and/or dander, cleaning products, fabrics, etc.). We encourage guests to take the necessary precautions to stay safe.

Guest acknowledges that the remainder of the total amount will be charged to the credit card on file. If alternate arrangements are not made in advance prior to 10:00 am eastern time the day of arrival, the balance will be charged to the credit card on file.

29: SECURITY CAMERAS. Some of the rental properties are equipped with security cameras to ensure the security of the premises from theft unauthorized access, or damage to the property. All security cameras are strategically positioned as to not interfere with the peaceful possession of our guests or their privacy. Cameras are never installed inside the properties to insure privacy of our guest. Guest agrees not to tamper with the security cameras and will be held responsible for any damage caused by them.

PAYMENT ARRANGMENTS. Guest shall pay at least one half (1⁄2) of the total reservation fee at time of booking, and the remaining half (1⁄2) will be charged to the same card the morning of check in. We will not accept any other person credit card other than the reservation holder. The reservation holder shall sign this Rental Agreement and be fully responsible for the reservation and the property they have rented. The reservation holder is responsible for making the payment on a card held in their name. If someone else’s card is used to pay the remaining balance, then that person must be over 25 years of age and also sign the Rental Agreement as well as sign an authorization form and be assessed a $25.00 processing fee per credit card used.

By signing this Rental Agreement, Guest acknowledges that they have read, fully understand, and agree to all of the above stated.

EXHIBIT “A” Check Out Instructions
CHECK OUT TIME. Check-out time is 11:00 am. The cleaning staff will arrive to clean the rental property at 11:00am. Accordingly, for each half (1/2) hour guest is late checking-out, guest will be charged $25.00.

LOCK ACCESS and/or KEYS. Most all rental properties are equipped with a keyless lock access. A code is provided on the bottom of your direction to enter upon your final departure to notify the cleaning service you have vacated the rental. Some of the properties do have keys which must be returned to the rental office. If the office is closed, please drop the keys into the checkout box located at the rental office. All keys are logged in and out and should a key be lost or not returned then guest shall pay to have the rental property re-keyed.
It is our wish that all our guests enjoy their stay. Therefore, we ask that you help us maintain the quality of each property.
Please do the following before departing.
Leave property in neat order.
Leave all used beds unmade.
Furniture is not to be moved, including outdoor furniture. This can scratch the floors; wood is very soft and easily
scratched. Charges for moved furniture will be assessed and charged to guest.
Empty contents in refrigerator.
All dishes, pots, pans, etc. must be washed and put away for the next guest. If the rental property has dishwasher,
please load, and turn it on before you leave.
All lights, fans, and small appliances should be turned off (example: coffee pots, toasters, blenders). DO NOT
unplug major appliances such as fridge or oven.
All garbage must be bagged and removed from inside the rental property and placed in the outside container(s). If
the garbage exceeds the container(s) provided, it is the guests responsibility to discard. If any excess garbage is left at the cabin or scattered about the property, guest will be charged a minimum of $100.00 for clean-up. If guest has any excess garbage, please dispose of it in the dumpster at our office when you check out.
Security of our properties is a top priority. All locks on doors (including dead bolts) and windows MUST be locked anytime you leave the rental property, and especially upon your departure. Also, if you open the French doors, please make sure you engage the pins located at the top and the bottom of the doors. If any door locks (including dead bolts) or window locks is found unlocked or open after your departure and the rental property is compromised, you will be held responsible. We appreciate you helping us keep the properties safe.
All fires in fireplaces and fire pits are to be completely extinguished with NO embers. Make sure safety screens are closed. DO NOT USE A FIRE extinguisher unless an emergency.
During cool seasons, please leave the heat set on 55-60 degrees upon departure unless otherwise instructed.
During warm seasons, please let the air set on 80 degrees upon departure unless otherwise instructed.
If guest does not follow check-out instructions, they shall be charged an additional fee accordingly.

GENERAL LOCAL INFORMATION. Please refer to your “My Blue Ridge Travel Guide” for local area information. If you need directions to somewhere in the area feel free to contact our office, as we will be more than happy to assist you, or you can call our local chamber of commerce, Fannin County Chamber of Commerce at 706-632-5680.

UPON ARRIVAL. Your cabin was set up and inspected prior to your arrival by one of our property managers, however, should you notice any damages or issues with the cabin please notify our office immediately (within 2 to 3 hours). If you are arriving after hours, please leave a detailed message of the damages on our office number (DO NOT call the emergency line for this).

FURNITURE. Please do not move any of the cabin furniture (including outdoor furniture) as this may scratch the floor causing damages. If the furniture or floors are damaged during your stay you will be held responsible and charged accordingly.

SMOKING/NON-SMOKING. All properties are non-smoking. Smoking outside is allowed unless otherwise stated. Please be neat in disposing of cigarette butts, do not discard them around the property, driveway or yard. In the event smoking occurs inside the cabin, you shall be assessed a minimum charge of $500.00.

DOGS/PETS. In the event, Guest’s party includes a dog, Guest shall notify MOUANTAIN TOP CABIN RENTALS, LLC at the time the reservation is made to ensure that the rental property Guest is requesting is pet friendly. In addition, Guests shall pay a non- refundable pet fee of $35.00 per pet. In the event evidence of a dog is found at a rental property that is not pet-friendly or the dog is not included in the reservation, Guest shall be assessed a minimum charge of $500.00 along with Property manager reserving the right to immediately evict Guest. If so evicted, Gust shall forfeit all payments made for the balance of the term of the reservation. All dogs must be on a flea prevention program and are not allowed on furniture, on the blankets and/or any linens, in hot tubs or left unattended at the rental property unless they are crated at rental property any time left unattended. If fleas are found inside the rental property upon guest departure, Guest shall be responsible for any and all fees incurred for extermination services. If the rental property requires additional cleaning due to the dog, Guest shall be charged accordingly. If evidence of dog urine or feces is found in the rental property, a minimum of $100.00, together with the costs and expenses of additional cleaning services necessary to remove hair, odors and/or stains shall be assessed and paid by Guest. No other type of animal, including cats are allowed at rental property.

Only bona fide Service Animals as required by law shall be permitted. If your group includes a service animal, this must be disclosed before, during or immediately after booking the reservation so that special accommodations and arrangements can be made. Emotional Support Animals are not Service Animals and are only allowed in pet friendly properties and are subject to the non- refundable pet fee of $35.00 per pet.
CANDLES. The burning of candles is prohibited in or around the property. Please note some properties may have decorative candles but they are NOT to be burned.

INSIDE WOOD BURNING FIREPLACES. Firewood is NOT provided. If a wood-burning fireplace is located at the rental property Guest may use the fireplace from October 1st to April 30th . If Guest(s) chooses to clean out the ashes, make sure the fire is completely extinguished and disposal of ashes is handled with designated equipment and proper disposal methods. Do NOT use fire extinguisher to put out fire in the fireplace unless it is a true emergency.
INDOOR AND OUTDOOR GAS LOG FIREPLACES. If a gas-burning fireplace is located at the rental property, it shall be used only from October 1st – April 30th. The pilot light will be lit prior to guest’s arrival, and should guest turn off the pilot light, guest shall be charged for a service call to reignite the pilot light and this can only be done during regular business hours. NEVER re-arrange or tamper with gas logs. This is a major safety issue and could be hazardous to your health.

OUTDOOR WOOD BURNING FIREPLACES. May be used year-round. Remember to always check to make sure that the flue/damper is open. If Guest(s) chooses to clean out the ashes, make sure the fire is completely extinguished, and disposal of ashes is handled with designated equipment and proper disposal methods. Do NOT use fire extinguisher to put out fire in the fireplace unless it is a true emergency.

OUTDOOR FIRE PITS. Firewood is NOT provided for outdoor fire pits however wood is available for purchase at most convenience stores or grocery stores. Please do NOT leave fires unattended at any time. Outside fires are not permitted unless the rental property is fitted with a fire ring or fire pit and are never to be built in driveways or other parts of the property. Do NOT use fire extinguisher to put out fire in the fire pit unless it is a true emergency. Should evidence of guest making a firepit in driveway or on rental property a minimum of $100.00 fee will be assessed for clean-up.
HEATING AND AIR. All rental properties are equipped with central heating and air. Please leave the heat on 58-60 degrees at check out during the winter months and leave the air set on 78-80 degrees during the summer months unless instructed otherwise. Do not adjust the temperature more than 3 degrees at any time to ensure proper operation.

MAINTENANCE PROBLEMS – REPAIRS – EMERGENCY MECHANICAL FAILURE. Please notify the office of any maintenance issues by calling 706-258-6220 during our regular business hours or if you have an emergency after hours please call 706-258-3562. Please understand that all efforts will be made to solve the issue in a timely manner. However, it may not be possible to make repairs quickly, especially on holidays, weekends or after regular business hours. Guest understands and agree that Manager cannot guarantee against mechanical systems failure during occupancy. No refunds, concessions and/or rate adjustments will be made for these non-foreseen circumstances.

AFTER HOURS EMERGENCY LINE. Guest(s) will be provided a telephone number upon arrival for EMERGENCY issues. All nonemergency issues should be reported to MOUNTAIN TOP CABIN RENTALS, LLC office during regular business hours. Please refer to cabin information binder to inquire what is deemed to be a true emergency. Please text or leave a message to insure a call back from the emergency personnel on call. Should a guest contact the Emergency line and personnel goes out with there being no issue or operator error then guest shall pay for service call.

HOT TUBS. All hot tubs are completely drained, cleaned and refilled with fresh water and chemicals after every rental. If the water in the hot tub appears murky it may be due to sediment in the well water, however, if you are unsure of the cleanliness, please contact our rental office. Please be responsible when using the hot tub and read all precautions and rules posted by the hot tub and in the cabin binder. Children under the age of 18 are not allowed to use the hot tub without constant adult supervision. Temperature of the hot tub should NEVER be elevated above 104 degrees. Pregnant women, young children or persons with injuries and/or medical conditions should not use the hot tub without first consulting with a physician. Guest further acknowledges that pets and foreign objects are not allowed in the hot tub, and in either event, a minimum amount of $100.00 may be charged to guest. Please remember to re-cover the hot tub after each use. If guest requests an additional hot tub service during their stay, guest shall be assessed an additional $50.00. Should the hot tub not be used during guest(s) stay please notify MOUNTAIN TOP CABIN RENTALS, LLC at check-out to help conserve water.

GAS GRILLS. All gas grills should be hooked directly into the main propane tank for the property and equipped with a timer. Please turn the gas off after each use to prevent gas from leaking out. DO NOT use charcoal in a gas grill. DO NOT move grills to any other location. Grills should be cleaned after every use.
INTERNET. Internet service is provided at all rental properties; however, the speed of the service is not guaranteed. The password for said service will be located in an information binder located at the cabin. Please note that all internet services are not secured. Guest hereby also understands that said internet service is subject to use, copying, and/or distribution of copyrighted material and is against the Acceptable Use Policy and is illegal. Should guest be found illegally using, downloading, copying, and/or distributing copyrighted material over the network then guest shall be subject to any and all actions imposed by service provider for copyright infringement cost.

PHONES / LANDLINES. Some rental properties are equipped with a landline telephone for local area and incoming calls only. NO long-distance calls are allowed. Please remember our mountain area has limited cell phone service and some areas provide no signal service at all.

SATELLITE, CABLE TELEVISION and ELECTRONICS. All properties have different subscription packages for cable and/or satellite(s). MOUNTAIN TOP CABIN RENTALS, LLC cannot guarantee any programs, events and/or subscription levels. Guest(s) should NOT attempt to use Pay Per View services or remove any channels. Under no circumstances shall guest disconnect and/or reconnect any electronics. Some properties are equipped with sophisticated electronics and stereo equipment. Please do not tamper with wiring or modify configuration to add a gaming system or other devise, this violation will result in additional charges to guest(s). Should disconnection be evident and reconnect is required than a $100.00 fee will be charged.
VISITORS. A Visitor of the Guest(s) may occupy the property on a temporary basis only. Visitors may not occupy the property beyond 10:00 pm or stay overnight without being registered with MOUNTAIN TOP CABIN RENTALS, LLC. Each rental property has a maximum occupancy and at NO time should said property be occupied by more than allowed number of guests stated.
NO HOUSE PARTIES, Weddings or other events are allowed. And should evidence of misuse or violation of occupancy is discovered at any time, the Guest(s) of record will be charged accordingly or immediately evicted without refund.